DSCR Calculator

Tools to help you make informed decisions

This debt service coverage ratio calculator, or DSCR calculator for short, measures whether your incoming cash flows are sufficient to pay back a debt. Commercial lenders most commonly use it to determine if a particular commercial property will be able to generate sufficient net operating income (NOI) to service the proposed loan or debt.

Debt service coverage is used to measure an entity’s capacity to pay off a loan. A higher ratio makes it easier to obtain financing. Most commercial lenders use a minimum DSCR as a loan requirement. Fill out the fields below to calculate your DSCR. 

You can start using this debt service coverage ratio calculator now or read on for a more thorough explanation of how to calculate DSCR and how to interpret the result.

You may use the DSCR calculator with our Cap Rate Calculator to support your investment decisions in the real estate market.

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DSCR Overview

DSCR stands for debt service coverage ratio. It is a metric commonly used in commercial lending (instead of personal credit scoring) to establish whether the borrower’s investment makes sense from an economic point of view.

In contrast to private purchases, commercial mortgages are taken with one main objective: generating income. For example, as a real estate agent, you might consider buying a building to rent out the apartments. The rent paid by the tenants will have to cover the loan you’ve taken (with interest) and provide you with some profit. Your lender won’t be interested in your credit history, they will be interested in predicted cash flows to ensure that you will be able to repay your loan without injecting outside cash.

Introduction: The Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) stands as a vital financial metric, wielding substantial influence when assessing borrowers’ ability to meet their debt commitments. Whether you’re a borrower seeking financing or a lender scrutinizing creditworthiness, grasping the essence of DSCR and its far-reaching consequences is imperative. In this exhaustive guide, we will explore the concept of the Debt Service Coverage Ratio, delve into its calculation intricacies, and underscore its pivotal role in financial decision-making. Keep reading to gain valuable insights.

What is Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)? The Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) serves as a pivotal financial indicator, gauging the borrower or property’s capacity to generate adequate cash flow to service debt obligations. This ratio provides invaluable insights into the borrower’s financial stability and their promptness in meeting debt obligations. For lenders and investors alike, DSCR serves as a cornerstone tool for assessing credit risk and facilitating informed decision-making.

Calculation of Debt Service Coverage Ratio: To compute the Debt Service Coverage Ratio, follow this straightforward formula: DSCR = Net Operating Income (NOI) / Total Debt Service. Let’s dissect the components of this formula:

  • Net Operating Income (NOI): NOI embodies income derived from core operations, excluding non-operating expenses or income. Calculate it by deducting operating expenses, such as rent, utilities, and payroll, from the total revenue.

  • Total Debt Service: Total Debt Service encapsulates the cumulative sum of debt payments due within a specified period, encompassing both principal and interest payments. Account for all outstanding debts, including long-term loans, leases, and other financial obligations.

Interpreting the DSCR Result: The Debt Service Coverage Ratio manifests as a ratio, typically denoted by a number exceeding 1. Here’s the insight it offers:

  • DSCR > 1: A DSCR surpassing 1 signifies that the borrower generates ample cash flow to cover their debt obligations. The higher the DSCR, the stronger the borrower’s financial position. Lenders and investors regard a high DSCR as a positive indicator, signifying reduced default risk.

  • DSCR < 1: A DSCR below 1 implies that the borrower’s cash flow falls short of covering debt obligations. This scenario raises concerns among lenders and underscores a heightened risk of default. Borrowers with a DSCR below 1 may encounter hurdles in securing financing or might need to implement strategies to bolster their financial standing.

Significance of Debt Service Coverage Ratio: The Debt Service Coverage Ratio bears significant importance for borrowers and lenders alike. Let’s delve into its implications:

  • Risk Assessment: Lenders employ DSCR to assess creditworthiness and gauge the risk tied to lending to a borrower. A higher DSCR translates to a reduced risk of default, simplifying borrowers’ access to favorable financing terms.

  • Loan Eligibility: Numerous lenders institute specific DSCR requirements to determine loan eligibility. Sustaining a healthy DSCR heightens the likelihood of loan approval and favorable interest rates.

  • Investment Evaluation: Investors, particularly those considering income-generating properties, rely on DSCR to evaluate potential returns and assess risks. A higher DSCR signals a property’s ability to generate sufficient cash flow to meet its debt obligations.

  • Financial Management: Businesses can track DSCR to identify potential financial hurdles and steer strategic decisions. A deteriorating DSCR may serve as a warning sign necessitating debt restructuring, expense reduction, or revenue augmentation.

Conclusion: The Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) assumes a pivotal role in evaluating a borrower’s debt-servicing capability. For lenders, it facilitates risk evaluation, while borrowers can leverage a robust DSCR to secure advantageous financing terms. A profound comprehension and proactive management of DSCR contribute to sound financial decision-making and assure long-term financial stability. By optimizing your DSCR, you can elevate your financial health and position yourself for success in the dynamic world of borrowing and lending.

How to calculate DSCR?

Our debt service coverage ratio calculator uses the following formula:


  •  – Debt service coverage ratio;

  •  – Monthly net operating income; and

  •  – Monthly payment towards paying off your debts.

You can input the value of NOI directly in this DSCR calculator or head to our net effective rent calculator for a more detailed calculation scheme.

Alternatively, you can open the advanced mode to determine NOI according to the equation:

In this formula:

  •  – Gross income – the monthly rent paid by your tenants;

  •  – Monthly expenses for maintenance, repairs, or cleaning, expressed as a percentage of the gross income; and

  •  – Vacancy rate (how often you don’t have a tenant for the apartment), expressed as a percentage of the gross income.

Our debt service coverage ratio lets you easily determine your debt service.

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